We aim to make our factories friendly to the global environment.
We shall always give due consideration to the conservation of the global environment and contribute to the healthy existence of humankind and the permanent prosperity of the company.
The ROHM Group’s Integrated environmental management system obtained self-certification for the ISO 14001 International Environment standard in May 2002 for monolithic ICs and resistors, in February 2004 for transistors, and in August 2006 for diodes.
We actively promote water recycling as part of our environmental conservation measures.
Large quantities of ultra pure water are required for the wafer dicing process. Thus, reusing processing wastewater without discharging reduces the environmental burdens on the drainage basin and protects our water resources.
Water Recycling using RO (Reverse Osmosis)
As an environment-friendly factory, we strengthen the marine ecosystem of the nearby Carmona River through fish seeding, river cleaning, and community-based environmental awareness education activities.
We strive to actively participate in forestation activities such as the protection, rehabilitation and restoration of the La Mesa Nature Reserve (the primary source of potable drinking water in the metropolitan area) through seed germination.
Tree Sapling Germination at the La Mesa Nature Reserve