因為我們需要大量的RAM來對照片進行解碼,所以我們將使用Arduino Mega。此外,Mega上還有一個額外的有利設計:有四個單獨的硬體序列埠,這樣我們就可以使用Serial1埠與相機進行通信,並使用Serial埠與PC進行通信。
您可能已經注意到了,相機RX線上有一個簡單的電阻分壓器。這是因為VC0706晶片的邏輯電平為3.3V(即使電源電壓為5V),但Arduino Mega的邏輯電平為5V。所以在這裡有個善意忠告:當將5V的Arduino和3.3V模組進行接合時,在RX線上始終至少使用一個分壓器。這比換一個新的模組要快得多。SD卡讀卡器通過SPI介面直接連接。
既然硬體已經設置好了,那我們就需要開始解決代碼部分了。標準Arduino IDE安裝已經包含了用於SD卡的庫,因此我們從列表中對SD卡進行查看即可。
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// Include all the libraries #include <Adafruit_VC0706.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> // Define Slave Select pin #define SD_CS 53 // Create an instance of Adafruit_VC0706 class // We will use Serial1 for communication with the camera Adafruit_VC0706 cam = Adafruit_VC0706(&Serial1); void setup() { // Begin Serial port for communication with PC Serial.begin(115200); // Start the SD if(!SD.begin(SD_CS)) { // If the SD can't be started, loop forever Serial.println("SD failed or not present!"); while(1); } // Start the camera if(!cam.begin()) { // If the camera can't be started, loop forever Serial.println("Camera failed or not present!"); while(1); } // Set the image size to 640x480 cam.setImageSize(VC0706_640x480); } void loop() { Serial.print("Taking picture in 3 seconds ... "); delay(3000); // Take a picture if(cam.takePicture()) { Serial.println("done!"); } else { Serial.println("failed!"); } // Create a name for the new file in the format IMAGExy.JPG char filename[13]; strcpy(filename, "IMAGE00.JPG"); for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { filename[5] = '0' + i/10; filename[6] = '0' + i%10; if(!SD.exists(filename)) { break; } } // Create a file with the name we created above and open it File imgFile = SD.open(filename, FILE_WRITE); // Get the size of the image uint16_t jpglen = cam.frameLength(); Serial.print("Writing "); Serial.print(jpglen, DEC); Serial.print(" bytes into "); Serial.print(filename); Serial.print(" ... "); // Read all the image data while(jpglen > 0) { // Load the JPEG-encoded image data from the camera into a buffer uint8_t *buff; uint8_t bytesToRead = min(32, jpglen); buff = cam.readPicture(bytesToRead); // Write the image data to the file imgFile.write(buff, bytesToRead); jpglen -= bytesToRead; } // Safely close the file imgFile.close(); Serial.println("done!"); delay(3000); } |
現在,讓我們開始運行真正實現將JPEG轉換為圖元陣列的代碼吧。幸運的是,有一個庫可以做到這一點—Bodmer的JPEGDecoder(可在GitHub上獲得),該庫基於Rich Geldreich(也可在GitHub上獲取)提供的出色的picojpeg庫。雖然最初編寫JPEGDecoder的目的是在TFT顯示器上顯示圖像,但是將其進行一些細微調整後就可以用於我們的工作了。
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// Include the library #include <JPEGDecoder.h> // Define Slave Select pin #define SD_CS 53 void setup() { // Set pin 13 to output, otherwise SPI might hang pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // Begin Serial port for communication with PC Serial.begin(115200); // Start the SD if(!SD.begin(SD_CS)) { // If the SD can't be started, loop forever Serial.println("SD failed or not present!"); while(1); } // Open the root directory File root = SD.open("/"); // Wait for the PC to signal while(!Serial.available()); // Send all files on the SD card while(true) { // Open the next file File jpgFile = root.openNextFile(); // We have sent all files if(!jpgFile) { break; } // Decode the JPEG file JpegDec.decodeSdFile(jpgFile); // Create a buffer for the packet char dataBuff[240]; // Fill the buffer with zeros initBuff(dataBuff); // Create a header packet with info about the image String header = "$ITHDR,"; header += JpegDec.width; header += ","; header += JpegDec.height; header += ","; header += JpegDec.MCUSPerRow; header += ","; header += JpegDec.MCUSPerCol; header += ","; header += jpgFile.name(); header += ","; header.toCharArray(dataBuff, 240); // Send the header packet for(int j=0; j<240; j++) { Serial.write(dataBuff[j]); } // Pointer to the current pixel uint16_t *pImg; // Color of the current pixel uint16_t color; // Create a data packet with the actual pixel colors strcpy(dataBuff, "$ITDAT"); uint8_t i = 6; // Repeat for all MCUs in the image while(JpegDec.read()) { // Save pointer the current pixel pImg = JpegDec.pImage; // Get the coordinates of the MCU we are currently processing int mcuXCoord = JpegDec.MCUx; int mcuYCoord = JpegDec.MCUy; // Get the number of pixels in the current MCU uint32_t mcuPixels = JpegDec.MCUWidth * JpegDec.MCUHeight; // Repeat for all pixels in the current MCU while(mcuPixels--) { // Read the color of the pixel as 16-bit integer color = *pImg++; // Split it into two 8-bit integers dataBuff[i] = color >> 8; dataBuff[i+1] = color; i += 2; // If the packet is full, send it if(i == 240) { for(int j=0; j<240; j++) { Serial.write(dataBuff[j]); } i = 6; } // If we reach the end of the image, send a packet if((mcuXCoord == JpegDec.MCUSPerRow - 1) && (mcuYCoord == JpegDec.MCUSPerCol - 1) && (mcuPixels == 1)) { // Send the pixel values for(int j=0; j<i; j++) { Serial.write(dataBuff[j]); } // Fill the rest of the packet with zeros for(int k=i; k<240; k++) { Serial.write(0); } } } } } // Safely close the root directory root.close(); } // Function to fill the packet buffer with zeros void initBuff(char* buff) { for(int i = 0; i < 240; i++) { buff[i] = 0; } } void loop() { // Nothing here // We don't need to send the same images over and over again } |
乍一看,包的長度似乎是隨機的。但是為什麼恰好是240個位元組?為什麼不是256個,使我們可以在每個包中發送兩個MCU呢?這是另一個我們日後將會解決的謎團,但是我們可以保證, 數字240不會有任何隨機性。這裡有個小提示:如果包中有256個位元組的資料,我們要在哪裡存儲源位址和目標位址呢?
我在Arduino六足機器人第三部分:遠程控制 中曾介紹過一些有關Processing的內容,用其編寫了一個應用程式,通過該應用程式我們能夠輕鬆控制六足機器人。簡單回顧一下:Processing是一種基於Java的語言,主要用於繪圖工作。因此它非常適用於我們現在要做的圖元顯示的工作!該程式就是用Processing實現的。
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// Import the library import processing.serial.*; Serial port; void setup() { // Set the default window size to 200 by 200 pixels size(200, 200); // Set the background to grey background(#888888); // Set as high framerate as we can frameRate(1000000); // Start the COM port communication // You will have to replace "COM30" with the Arduino COM port number port = new Serial(this, "COM30", 115200); // Read 240 bytes at a time port.buffer(240); } // String to save the trimmed input String trimmed; // Buffer to save data incoming from Serial port byte[] byteBuffer = new byte[240]; // The coordinate variables int x, y, mcuX, mcuY; // A variable to measure how long it takes to receive the image long startTime; // A variable to save the current time long currentTime; // Flag to signal end of transmission boolean received = false; // Flag to signal reception of header packet boolean headerRead = false; // The color of the current pixel int inColor, r, g, b; // Image information variables int jpegWidth, jpegHeight, jpegMCUSPerRow, jpegMCUSPerCol, mcuWidth, mcuHeight, mcuPixels; // This function will be called every time any key is pressed void keyPressed() { // Send something to Arduino to signal the start port.write('s'); } // This function will be called every time the Serial port receives 240 bytes void serialEvent(Serial port) { // Read the data into buffer port.readBytes(byteBuffer); // Make a String out of the buffer String inString = new String(byteBuffer); // Detect the packet type if(inString.indexOf("$ITHDR") == 0) { // Header packet // Remove all whitespace characters trimmed = inString.trim(); // Split the header by comma String[] list = split(trimmed, ','); // Check for completeness if(list.length != 7) { println("Incomplete header, terminated"); while(true); } else { // Parse the image information jpegWidth = Integer.parseInt(list[1]); jpegHeight = Integer.parseInt(list[2]); jpegMCUSPerRow = Integer.parseInt(list[3]); jpegMCUSPerCol = Integer.parseInt(list[4]); // Print the info to console println("Filename: " + list[5]); println("Parsed JPEG width: " + jpegWidth); println("Parsed JPEG height: " + jpegHeight); println("Parsed JPEG MCUs/row: " + jpegMCUSPerRow); println("Parsed JPEG MCUs/column: " + jpegMCUSPerCol); // Start the timer startTime = millis(); } // Set the window size according to the received information surface.setSize(jpegWidth, jpegHeight); // Get the MCU information mcuWidth = jpegWidth / jpegMCUSPerRow; mcuHeight = jpegHeight / jpegMCUSPerCol; mcuPixels = mcuWidth * mcuHeight; } else if(inString.indexOf("$ITDAT") == 0) { // Data packet // Repeat for every two bytes received for(int i = 6; i < 240; i += 2) { // Combine two 8-bit values into a single 16-bit color inColor = ((byteBuffer[i] & 0xFF) << 8) | (byteBuffer[i+1] & 0xFF); // Convert 16-bit color into RGB values r = ((inColor & 0xF800) >> 11) * 8; g = ((inColor & 0x07E0) >> 5) * 4; b = ((inColor & 0x001F) >> 0) * 8; // Paint the current pixel with that color set(x + mcuWidth*mcuX, y + mcuHeight*mcuY, color(r, g, b)); // Move onto the next pixel x++; if(x == mcuWidth) { // MCU row is complete, move onto the next one x = 0; y++; } if(y == mcuHeight) { // MCU is complete, move onto the next one x = 0; y = 0; mcuX++; } if(mcuX == jpegMCUSPerRow) { // Line of MCUs is complete, move onto the next one x = 0; y = 0; mcuX = 0; mcuY++; } if(mcuY == jpegMCUSPerCol) { // The entire image is complete received = true; } } } } void draw() { // If we received a full image, start the whole process again if(received) { // Reset coordinates x = 0; y = 0; mcuX = 0; mcuY = 0; // Reset the flag received = false; // Measure how long the whole thing took long timeTook = millis() - startTime; println("Image receiving took: " + timeTook + " ms"); println(); } } |