在DIY智慧家居保全系統 第1部分中,我們將各種元件(例如PIR感測器、溫度感測器和壓力感測器)組合在一起,以創建家庭保全系統/探測器。在第2部分中,將對前面所創建系統的離線程式進行測試,並連接到Internet,以便使用Cayenne API進行無線控制。使用myDevices Cayenne,只要您通過網站和/或智慧行動電話中的Cayenne App連接到WiFi,您就能夠無線控制保全系統。
若想斷路警報聲,用戶只需再次按遙控射極器上的頻道D。綠色 LED將熄滅,蜂鳴器將發出兩次嗶嗶聲。
若需查看溫度和氣壓的值,請將USB電線從Arduino連接到PC。然後,進入Arduino IDE並按一下工具 → 序列監視器。
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//**************** Home security Program - offline ****************************** #define PIR_MOTION_SENSOR 2 // Use pin 2 to receive the signal from the module #define LED1 4 // Blue Led for motion detected #define LED2 6 // Green Led for triggered alarm #define LED3 8 // Red Led if motion and trigger switch are on #define buzzer 5 // Buzzer #define remote 41 // Remote Control #include <Wire.h> #include <BM1383GLV.h> #include <BD1020.h> int alarm = 0; int trigger = 0; int remote_sw = 0; int online_sw = 0; int previousState = -1; int currentState = -1; int prev_remote_stat = 0; int curr_remote_stat = 0; int currentValue = 0; int prev_online_stat = 0; int curr_online_stat = 0; int tempout_pin = A2; BM1383GLV bm1383; BD1020 bd1020; unsigned long previousMillis = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial); bd1020.init(tempout_pin); byte rc; while (!Serial); Wire.begin(); rc = bm1383.init(); pinMode(LED1,OUTPUT); pinMode(LED2,OUTPUT); pinMode(LED3,OUTPUT); pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); pinMode(remote, INPUT); pinMode(PIR_MOTION_SENSOR, INPUT); } // ********************* Start Loop ***************************************** void loop() { checkSensor(); remote_sw = digitalRead(remote); Serial.print("Remote Status : "); Serial.println(remote_sw); Serial.println(); //*********************** read barometric pressure ************************ byte rc; float press; rc = bm1383.get_val(&press); if (rc == 0) { Serial.write("BM1383GLV (PRESS) = "); Serial.print(press); Serial.println(" [hPa]"); Serial.println(); } //********************** read Temperature ******************************** float temp; bd1020.get_val(&temp); temp = temp - 5; // Temperature adjustment due to heat from circuit board Serial.print("BD1020HFV Temp="); Serial.print(temp); Serial.print(" [degrees Celsius], ADC="); Serial.println(bd1020.temp_adc); Serial.println(); // ********** Check if Remote switch or online/App switch is on ********** if(remote_sw == 1 | currentValue == 1) { digitalWrite(LED2,HIGH); alarm = 1; curr_remote_stat = 1; if(curr_remote_stat != prev_remote_stat) { triggerBuzzer(2,70,30); prev_remote_stat = curr_remote_stat; } } else { curr_remote_stat = 0; if(curr_remote_stat != prev_remote_stat) { triggerBuzzer(3,70,30); prev_remote_stat = curr_remote_stat; } digitalWrite(LED2,LOW); alarm = 0; } // ********************** If motion detected *********************** if(isPeopleDetected()) //if it detects the moving people? { digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH); // Turn on Blue Led trigger = 1; delay(10); } else { digitalWrite(LED1, LOW); trigger = 0; delay(2000); } // ***************If Alarm is triggerred ************************** if (alarm == 1 && trigger == 1 ) { digitalWrite(LED3,HIGH); delay(500); triggerBuzzer(6,100,100); Serial.println("Alarm triggered"); } else { alarm = 0; trigger = 0; digitalWrite(LED3,LOW); } // *********************** If temperature is triggerred ********** if (temp > 45.00) { digitalWrite(LED3,HIGH); delay(500); triggerBuzzer(10,100,10); Serial.println("Alarm triggered"); } delay(10); } // ************************** End Loop ***************************** // Function: Write to PIR sensor indicator in Web/App *************** void checkSensor() { unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 250) { currentState = digitalRead(PIR_MOTION_SENSOR); if (currentState != previousState) { previousState = currentState; } previousMillis = currentMillis; } } //*************************************************************** // Function: Detect whether anyone moves in it's detecting range boolean isPeopleDetected() { int sensorValue = digitalRead(PIR_MOTION_SENSOR); if(sensorValue == HIGH) //if the sensor value is HIGH? { Serial.println("PIR detect motion"); return true; //yes,return true } else { Serial.println("no motion"); return false; //no,return false } } //*************************************************************** // Function : activate buzzer based on parameters received void triggerBuzzer(int iteration,int delay1,int delay2) { for (int i = 1; i < iteration; i++) { digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); delay(delay1); digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW); delay(delay2); } } //***************************************************************** |
圖1. 註冊頁面 – https://mydevices.com/cayenne/signup/
圖2. 選擇本專案所需的Arduino裝置
然後繼續下一步,在新網頁中連接到Arduino。選擇Arduino Mega和WiFi Shield。選定這兩項後,您將收到裝置的“身份驗證口令”。務必複製此口令並將其保存於某處。在下一個程式中需要用到此口令。
char token[] = “zzzzzzz”; // Cayenne authentication token
圖3. 選擇Arduino Mega和WiFi Shield
圖4. 創建感測器微件
為此,必須按一下 “添加新…” ,然後按一下 “裝置/微件”。然後轉到 “感測器” 類別並按一下 “通用”。在“通用”下,有2個輸入選項:類比輸入和數位輸入。選擇 “數位輸入”。進入“數位輸入”設定頁面後,將連接設定為“虛擬”和“V1”(在下方)。請勿忘記按一下 步驟 1 和 步驟 2。
虛擬頻道號 | 微件名稱 | 選擇微件 | 選擇圖示/顯示 | 連接至 |
V1 | PIR 感測器 | 0/1 2 狀態 | 顯示值 | PIR 感測器 – 藍色 Led |
V2 | 觸發狀態 | 0/1 2 狀態 | 顯示值 | 觸發開關 – 紅色 Led |
V4 | 警報狀態開/關 | 0/1 2 狀態 | 圖示指示燈 | 遠端開關 |
#define VIRTUAL_PIN1 V1 // PIR感測器的虛擬引腳 – 藍色 Led
#define VIRTUAL_PIN2 V2 // 觸發開關的虛擬引腳 – 紅色 Led
#define VIRTUAL_PIN4 V4 // 遠端開關的狀態
轉至 “添加新…” ,然後按一下 “裝置/微件”。這次選擇 “執行器” ,然後選擇 “通用”。選擇 “數位輸出” ,然後在“連接”下選擇“虛擬”。在“Pin”下,選擇“V3”。
圖5. 創建線上/應用程式開關功能的微件
虛擬頻道號 | 微件名稱 | 選擇微件 | 選擇圖示/顯示 | 連接到 |
V3 | 線上/應用程式開關 | 按鈕 | 圖示鎖定 | 線上/應用程式開關 — 綠色 LED |
#define VIRTUAL_PIN3 V3 // 線上開關 – 綠色 led
然後需要創建溫度和壓力感測器的微件。和前面一樣,點擊 “添加新…” 和 “裝置/微件”。然後選擇 “感測器” 和 “通用” ,然後選擇 “類比輸入”。連接後,選擇“虛擬”和“V5”進行引腳選擇。
圖6. 創建溫度和壓力感測器的微件
虛擬頻道號 | 微件名稱 | 選擇微件 | 選擇單位 | 連接到 |
V5 | 溫度(℃) | 測量精度 | 有效位數 – 小數點後2位 | 溫度感測器 |
V6 | 氣壓(hPa) | 測量精度 | 有效位數 – 小數點後2位 | 大氣壓力感測器 |
#define VIRTUAL_PIN5 V5 // 溫度感測器
#define VIRTUAL_PIN6 V6 // 氣壓感測器
圖7. 微件的顯示
圖8. 創建電子郵件觸發器
圖9. 設定電子郵件通知
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//**************** Home security Program - online test*********************** * #define CAYENNE_DEBUG // Uncomment to show debug messages #define CAYENNE_PRINT Serial // Comment this out to disable prints and save space #define VIRTUAL_PIN5 V5 // Temperature sensor #define VIRTUAL_PIN6 V6 // Barometric Pressure Sensor #include <CayenneWiFi.h> // Cayenne wifi library #include <Wire.h> #include <BM1383GLV.h> #include <BD1020.h> char token[] = "zzzzzzz"; // Cayenne authentication token. char ssid[] = "xxxxxxxxx"; // Your Wifi network name char password[] = "yyyy"; // Your Wifi password int tempout_pin = A2; BM1383GLV bm1383; BD1020 bd1020; unsigned long previousMillis = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial); bd1020.init(tempout_pin); byte rc; while (!Serial); Wire.begin(); rc = bm1383.init(); Cayenne.begin(token, ssid, password); } // ********************* Start Loop ***************************************** void loop() { Cayenne.run(); //*********************** read barometric pressure ************************ byte rc; float press; rc = bm1383.get_val(&press); if (rc == 0) { Cayenne.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_PIN6, press); // Write Barometric Pressure to Cayenne Serial.write("BM1383GLV (PRESS) = "); Serial.print(press); Serial.println(" [hPa]"); Serial.println(); } //********************** read Temperature ******************************** float temp; bd1020.get_val(&temp); temp = temp - 5; // Temperature adjustment due to heat from circuit board Cayenne.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_PIN5, temp); // Write Temperature to Cayenne Serial.print("BD1020HFV Temp="); Serial.print(temp); Serial.print(" [degrees Celsius], ADC="); Serial.println(bd1020.temp_adc); Serial.println(); // ********** Check if Remote switch or online/App switch is on ********** delay(5000); } // ************************** End Loop ***************************** |
如果以上所有程式都能流暢運行,則可上傳最終程式,該程式中嵌入了離線程式以及與Cayenne API的連接功能。
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//**************** Home security Program - Final ****************************** #define CAYENNE_DEBUG // Uncomment to show debug messages #define CAYENNE_PRINT Serial // Comment this out to disable prints and save space #define VIRTUAL_PIN1 V1 // Virtual Pin for PIR sensor - Blue Led #define VIRTUAL_PIN2 V2 // Virtual Pin for Trigger Switch - Red Led #define VIRTUAL_PIN3 V3 // Online Switch - Green led #define VIRTUAL_PIN4 V4 // Status of Remote Switch #define VIRTUAL_PIN5 V5 // Temperature sensor #define VIRTUAL_PIN6 V6 // Barometric Pressure Sensor #define PIR_MOTION_SENSOR 2 // Use pin 2 to receive the signal from the module #define LED1 4 // Blue Led for motion detected #define LED2 6 // Green Led for triggered alarm #define LED3 8 // Red Led if motion and triger switch are on #define buzzer 5 // Buzzer #define remote 41 // Remote Control #include <CayenneWiFi.h> // Cayenne wifi library #include <Wire.h> #include <BM1383GLV.h> #include <BD1020.h> char token[] = "zzzzzzz"; // Cayenne authentication token. char ssid[] = "xxxxxxxxx"; // Your Wifi network name char password[] = "yyyy"; // Your Wifi password int alarm = 0; int trigger = 0; int remote_sw = 0; int online_sw = 0; int previousState = -1; int currentState = -1; int prev_remote_stat = 0; int curr_remote_stat = 0; int currentValue = 0; int prev_online_stat = 0; int curr_online_stat = 0; int tempout_pin = A2; BM1383GLV bm1383; BD1020 bd1020; unsigned long previousMillis = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial); bd1020.init(tempout_pin); byte rc; while (!Serial); Wire.begin(); rc = bm1383.init(); Cayenne.begin(token, ssid, password); pinMode(LED1,OUTPUT); pinMode(LED2,OUTPUT); pinMode(LED3,OUTPUT); pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); pinMode(remote, INPUT); pinMode(PIR_MOTION_SENSOR, INPUT); } // ************ Check if Online/App Switch is on ***************************** CAYENNE_IN(VIRTUAL_PIN3) {currentValue = getValue.asInt();} // ********************* Start Loop ***************************************** void loop() { Cayenne.run(); Serial.print("currentValue: "); Serial.println(currentValue); checkSensor(); remote_sw = digitalRead(remote); Serial.print("Remote Status : "); Serial.println(remote_sw); Serial.println(); //*********************** read barometric pressure ************************ byte rc; float press; rc = bm1383.get_val(&press); if (rc == 0) { Cayenne.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_PIN6, press); Serial.write("BM1383GLV (PRESS) = "); Serial.print(press); Serial.println(" [hPa]"); Serial.println(); } //********************** read Temperature ******************************** float temp; bd1020.get_val(&temp); temp = temp - 5; // Temperature adjustment due to heat from circuit board Cayenne.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_PIN5, temp); Serial.print("BD1020HFV Temp="); Serial.print(temp); Serial.print(" [degrees Celsius], ADC="); Serial.println(bd1020.temp_adc); Serial.println(); // ********** Check if Remote switch or online/App switch is on ********** if(remote_sw == 1 | currentValue == 1) { digitalWrite(LED2,HIGH); Cayenne.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_PIN4, HIGH); alarm = 1; curr_remote_stat = 1; if(curr_remote_stat != prev_remote_stat) { triggerBuzzer(2,70,30); prev_remote_stat = curr_remote_stat; } } else { curr_remote_stat = 0; if(curr_remote_stat != prev_remote_stat) { triggerBuzzer(3,70,30); prev_remote_stat = curr_remote_stat; } digitalWrite(LED2,LOW); Cayenne.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_PIN4, LOW); alarm = 0; } // ********************** If motion detected *********************** if(isPeopleDetected()) //if it detects the moving people? { digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH); // Turn on Blue Led trigger = 1; delay(10); } else { digitalWrite(LED1, LOW); trigger = 0; delay(2000); } // ***************If Alarm is triggerred ************************** if (alarm == 1 && trigger == 1 ) { digitalWrite(LED3,HIGH); Cayenne.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_PIN2, HIGH); delay(500); triggerBuzzer(6,100,100); Serial.println("Alarm triggered"); } else { alarm = 0; trigger = 0; digitalWrite(LED3,LOW); Cayenne.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_PIN2, LOW); } // *********************** If temperature is triggerred ********** if (temp > 45.00) { digitalWrite(LED3,HIGH); Cayenne.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_PIN2, HIGH); delay(500); triggerBuzzer(10,100,10); Serial.println("Alarm triggered"); } delay(10); } // ************************** End Loop ***************************** // Function: Write to PIR sensor indicator in Web/App *************** void checkSensor() { unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 250) { currentState = digitalRead(PIR_MOTION_SENSOR); if (currentState != previousState) { Cayenne.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_PIN1, currentState); previousState = currentState; } previousMillis = currentMillis; } } //*************************************************************** // Function: Detect whether anyone moves in it's detecting range boolean isPeopleDetected() { int sensorValue = digitalRead(PIR_MOTION_SENSOR); if(sensorValue == HIGH) //if the sensor value is HIGH? { Serial.println("PIR detect motion"); return true; //yes,return true } else { Serial.println("no motion"); return false; //no,return false } } //*************************************************************** // Function : activate buzzer based on parameters received void triggerBuzzer(int iteration,int delay1,int delay2) { for (int i = 1; i < iteration; i++) { digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); delay(delay1); digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW); delay(delay2); } } // ***************************************************************** |
圖10. 觸發警報時收到的電子郵件通知
圖11. 感測器的圖形符號的顯示
圖12. 溫度曲線圖示例
如前所述,無論何時何地只要您能連接WiFi,您就可以24/7全天候對保全系統進行監控。您可以在網站上或通過Cayenne手機APP進行監控。您可以在智慧手機上直接下載Cayenne APP。進入App Store(適用於iPhone)或Google Play商店(適用於Android)並搜索Cayenne然後就能下載。
圖13. Cayenne App
圖14. Cayenne App微件