1. 簡介
1.1 認識DHT22:一種溫濕度感測器
1.2 您將要學到的內容
2. 將您的Raspberry Pi與DHT22感測器連接
2.1 DHT22:基本電路
2.1.1 BOM
2.1.2 啟動!
2.2 DHT22機房環境控制器
2.2.1 BOM
2.2.2 啟動!
exentia – stock.adobe.com
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wget \ http://archive.raspbian.org/raspbian/dists/stable/main/binary-armhf/Packages.xz \ -O - 2>/dev/null | xz -dfc | grep -c '^Package: ' \ | cut -d ' ' -f 2 |
我們普遍感興趣的是濕度對於人類和電子設備的閾值。如果您在25C/77F左右的環境溫度下運動,那麼會在35-40% RH開始感到不適。您的電子設備,尤其是電腦系統,在45-55% RH,溫度在20C/68F至 24C/75F之間的環境中更靈敏,且性能最佳。如果RH太低,ESD就會成為問題。如果RH太高,有局部冷凝的風險。
在冷卻理論中,有一個簡單的事實經常被忽視,即水分子是完美的小熱量桶,風冷系統在45-55% RH環境中的冷卻效果會比在20% RH環境中好得多。濕度對此有所幫助。很多人沒有發現這一點,而您現在已經獲悉這個小技巧了。
該使用什麼硬體?當然,SHT85濕度感測器性能很好,防水等級為IP67,誤差範圍僅為±1.5% RH,但我想我們可以選擇濕度感測器誤差範圍為±2-5% RH的設備。
五年前我買了6個,每個都性能出色,即使是在戶外(雖然遮罩了來自陽光、雨水等的紫外線)。DHT22是單匯流排,既不是I2C也不是SPI,雖然電壓範圍為3.3至6伏,但是絕不能用大於3.3V的電壓供電,因為這會導致其發熱,並感應出錯誤的溫度資料。過高的局部溫度會蒸發水分,因此局部濕度也會下降。這一點是完全可以避免的:直接從Raspberry Pi的3V3引腳獲取3.3V電壓,該引腳的數字為1。
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# Celsius to fahrenheit: F = ( C * 1.8 ) + 32 def celsius2fahrenheit( _celsius ): _fahrenheit = ( "%.2f" % (( _celsius * 1.8 ) + 32) ) return float( _fahrenheit ) # Fahrenheit to celsius: C = ( F - 32 ) * 5/9 def fahrenheit2celsius( _fahrenheit ): _celsius = ( "%.2f" % (( _fahrenheit - 32 ) * 5/9 )) return float( _celsius ) |
您可以從技術規格書獲取有關脈衝長度、間隔等資訊,但如果您想馬上開始,請首先按照此Raspberry Pi設置指南確保您的Pi已準備就緒。
準備好後,將下麵的腳本複製粘貼到您的Raspberry Pi GUI編輯器中(聽說Pluma很好用),並將檔保存為“rpi_prepare.sh”。
[ begin rpi_prepare.sh ]
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#! /usr/bin/env bash set -eu -o pipefail DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" DEBIAN_PRIORITY="critical" DEBCONF_NOWARNINGS="yes" export DEBIAN_FRONTEND DEBIAN_PRIORITY DEBCONF_NOWARNINGS _pkg_list="pigpio wiringpi python-rpi.gpio python3-rpi.gpio rpi.gpio-common git python-gpiozero python-gpiozero-doc python3-gpiozero python-setuptools-git python3-setuptools-git python3-dev python3-pip" # Upgrade system and installed packages - uncomment where # relevant sudo apt update || echo failed to update index list #sudo dpkg --configure -a || echo failed to fix interrupted \ upgrades #sudo apt --fix-broken --fix-missing install || echo failed \ to fix conflicts #sudo apt -y --allow-downgrades --fix-broken --fix-missing \ #dist-upgrade # Install $_pkg_list sudo apt update sudo apt-get -y install $_pkg_list # Make 'pip3' bigly fresh? Yes. sudo python3 -m pip --upgrade pip setuptools wheel # Get Adafruit_DHT Python library sudo pip3 install Adafruit_DHT read -p "[?] Reboot? y/N: " _foo if [ X"$_foo" = X"y" -o X"$_foo" = X"Y" ] then echo "[!] Rebooting in 5 seconds, CTRL+C to abort ..." for i in $( seq 1 5 ) ; do echo -n . ; sleep 1 ; done ; echo sudo reboot fi |
[ end rpi_prepare.sh ]
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bash rpi_prepare.sh |
Raspberry Pi 4 | https://www.newark.com/raspberry-pi/rpi4-modbp-4gb/raspberry-pi-4-model-b-4gb-rohs/dp/02AH3164 |
DHT22 感測器 | https://www.newark.com/mcm/83-17985/dht22-temp-humidity-sensor/dp/32AC9951 |
10kΩ 電阻 | https://www.newark.com/multicomp-pro/mccfr0w4j0103a50/carbon-film-resistor-10kohm-250mw/dp/58K5002 |
杜邦電線 | https://www.newark.com/adafruit/824/wire-gauge-28awg/dp/88W2794 |
麵包板 | https://www.newark.com/mcm/21-19082/breadboardjumper-kit-with-binding/dp/79X3995 |
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#! /usr/bin/env python3 # Demonstrate reading DHT22 sensor using the # Adafruit_DHT library # DHT22 pinout (left to right): # 1: VCC(3.3-6V) # 2: SIGNAL # 3: UNUSED # 4: GND # Notes: # - 10kOhm pull-up resistor from SIG to VCC. # - Use 3V3 for VCC, or the DHT22 will heat up. # - Indentation: 2 whitespaces per level, no tabs. import Adafruit_DHT from time import sleep p=print # Alias # Note: Use >=2000ms polling intervals _poll_interval = 2 # Seconds _dht_pin = 24 # BCM24/BOARD18 _dht = Adafruit_DHT.DHT22 def celsius2fahrenheit( _celsius ): _fahrenheit = ( "%.1f" % (( _celsius * 1.8 ) + 32) ) return float( _fahrenheit ) def fahrenheit2celsius( _fahrenheit ): _celsius = ( "%.1f" % (( _fahrenheit - 32 ) * 5/9 )) return float( _celsius ) if __name__ == '__main__': while True: ( _humidity, _celsius ) = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry( _dht, _dht_pin ) p( "Humidity => %.1f%% RH" % _humidity ) p( "Temperature => %.2fF" % celsius2fahrenheit( _celsius ), end='/' ) p( "%.2fC" % _celsius ) sleep( _poll_interval ) |
[ end dht22_simple.py ]
現在,我們將做一些比僅僅通過濕度感測器和熱敏電阻感知環境更有趣的事情—製作DHT22機房環境控制器。在閱讀下麵的dht22_actionable.py之前,需要對其操作進行簡短的解釋。我們設置兩個Raspberry Pi GPIO引腳作為輸出(BCM25/BOARD22和BCM23/BOARD16),建立與DHT22感測器的連接,然後我們迴圈幾個條件陳述式來檢查所處環境是否滿足公認的“適於計算的最佳濕度和溫度條件”。
每當濕度或溫度超出範圍時,_humidity_led或_temperature_led都會亮起。但它也可以用於驅動電路,例如IRLZ24N MOSFET或繼電器驅動電路。您可以利用自己現有的設備來實現所有這些功能。
如下圖所示完成所有連接。保留上次Raspberry Pi GPIO BCM25/BOARD22和BCM23/BOARD16的引腳連接,3V3/BOARD1和GND/BOARD6的連接和上次相同。在您的Pi準備好運行程式之前不要給電路通電,在此之前仔細檢查所有連接。確認沒有任何問題後,通電並執行下文中的dht22_actionable.py。
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python3 dht22_actionable.py |
[ begin dht22_actionable.py ]
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#! /usr/bin/env python3 # Install prerequisite packages & Adafruit_DHT library """ #! /bin/sh _pkg_list='python3-setuptools python3-pip python3-dev python3-rpi.gpio' sudo apt-get -y install $_pkg_list sudo python3 -m pip --upgrade pip setuptools wheel sudo pip3 install Adafruit_DHT """ # # Ensure operating conditions in a # datacenter (your basement) are # within SAFE OPERATING HUMIDITY- AND # TEMPERATURE THRESHOLDS FOR OPTIMAL # COMPUTING CONDITIONS. # # Will fire BCM25/BOARD22 if humidity is # out of bounds, and BCM23/BOARD16 if # temperature is out of bounds. # # Uses RPi.GPIO Adafruit_DHT library, # tested on Raspbian, Dec. 2019 # # DHT22 pinout (left to right): # 1: VCC(3.3-6V) # 2: SIGNAL # 3: UNUSED # 4: GND # Notes: # - 10kOhm pull-up resistor from SIG to VCC. # - 330ohm resistors in series with RPi # GPIO pins and ROHM SLR343BC4TT32 # 3mm LEDs. # - Use 3V3 for VCC, or the DHT22 will # heat up. # - Indentation: 2 whitespaces per level, no # tabs. import Adafruit_DHT from time import sleep import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import atexit GPIO.setwarnings( True ) # Use BCM pin numbering instead of BOARD GPIO.setmode( GPIO.BCM ) _humidity_led = 25 # BCM25/BOARD22 _humidity_lower_threshold = 45.0 _humidity_upper_threshold = 55.0 _temperature_led = 23 # BCM23/BOARD16 _temperature_lower_threshold = 20.0 # 20C/68F _temperature_upper_threshold = 24.0 # 24C/75F _poll_interval = 2 # Use intervals >=2secs _dht_pin = 24 # BCM24/BOARD18 _dht = Adafruit_DHT.DHT22 _debug = True p=print # Alias if _debug: p( "[!] Setting up pin BCM_%i as OUTPUT for humidity LED ..." % _humidity_led ) p( "[!] Setting up pin BCM_%i as OUTPUT for temperature LED ..." % _temperature_led ) GPIO.setup( _humidity_led, GPIO.OUT ) GPIO.setup( _temperature_led, GPIO.OUT ) def exit_cleanly(): print( "[!] Cleaning up and exiting ..." ) GPIO.setwarnings( False ) GPIO.cleanup() exit() def celsius2fahrenheit( _celsius ): _fahrenheit = ( "%.1f" % (( _celsius * 1.8 ) + 32) ) return float( _fahrenheit ) def fahrenheit2celsius( _fahrenheit ): _celsius = ( "%.1f" % (( _fahrenheit - 32 ) * 5/9 )) return float( _celsius ) # Call exit_cleanly on normal exit and CTRL+C/KeyboardInterrupt/foo atexit.register( exit_cleanly ) if __name__ == '__main__': while True: ( _humidity, _celsius ) = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry( _dht, _dht_pin ) if _debug: p( "[+] Humidity => %.1f%% RH" % _humidity ) p( "[+] Temperature => %.1fC" % _celsius, end='/' ) p( "%.1fF" % celsius2fahrenheit( _celsius ) ) # Let's be neat _humidity = float( "%.1f" % _humidity ) _celsius = float( "%.1f" % _celsius ) # Humidity too high? if _humidity > _humidity_upper_threshold: p( "[!] Humidity %.1f%% RH exceeds upper threshold value of %.1f%% RH" % ( _humidity, _humidity_upper_threshold ) ) # Take decisive action! GPIO.output( _humidity_led, 1 ) # Humidity too low? elif _humidity < _humidity_lower_threshold: p( "[!] Humidity %.1f%% RH is below lower threshold value of %.1f%% RH" % ( _humidity, _humidity_lower_threshold ) ) # Take decisive action! GPIO.output( _humidity_led, 1 ) # Safe operating humidity? elif _humidity <= _humidity_upper_threshold and _humidity >= _humidity_lower_threshold: GPIO.output( _humidity_led, 0 ) # Safe! # Temperature too high? if _celsius > _temperature_upper_threshold: p( "[!] Temperature %.1fC/%.1fF exceeds upper threshold value of %.1fC/%.1fF" % ( _celsius, celsius2fahrenheit( _celsius ), _temperature_upper_threshold, celsius2fahrenheit( _temperature_upper_threshold ) ) ) # Take decisive action! GPIO.output( _temperature_led, 1 ) # Temperature too low? elif _celsius < _temperature_lower_threshold: p( "[!] Temperature %1.fC/%.1fF is below lower threshold value of %.1fC/%.1fF" % ( _celsius, celsius2fahrenheit( _celsius ), _temperature_lower_threshold, celsius2fahrenheit( _temperature_lower_threshold ) ) ) # Take decisive action! GPIO.output( _temperature_led, 1 ) # Safe operating temperature? elif _celsius <= _temperature_upper_threshold and _celsius >= _temperature_lower_threshold: GPIO.output( _temperature_led, 0 ) # Safe! sleep( _poll_interval ) |
[ end dht22_actionable.py ]
您可以在下圖中看到我的麵包板。在右下角,DHT22正在運行,它會以數字的形式向我的Raspberry Pi報告。在頂部中間,兩個LED亮起,警告我的桌面計算環境不在最佳操作範圍內。