在第1部分中,我們製作了一塊客製化的壓克力板底座,把NEMA 17步進馬達安裝到了底盤上。然後,我們將Arduino Uno 3和馬達研發板也連到壓克力底座上,並安裝了馬達研發板程式館。在第2部分中,我們將添加機器人工作所需的其他系統零件,比如伺服器和雷射測距儀(LRF),並編寫一個程式,讓機器人能夠自主行動。
有關如何利用Arduino UNO R3從零開始搭建輪式機器人的資訊,請參考我們在之前的文章《如何製作自己的機器人》和《如何製作自己的機器人(第2部分)》。在本文中,我們將進一步增加機器人的功能:讓該機器人動起來並為其增加雷射測距(LRF)功能,以使該裝置能夠檢測物體並測量距離。
圖1. 用兩小板將伺服器固定到壓克力底座上
圖2. 將鋁制安裝架安裝到伺服器上
圖3. 伺服與馬達研發板的連接
現在,我們可以運行程式了,請將以下代碼上傳到Arduino。無需安裝新程式館,系統所需的程式館(Servo.h)都已包含在Arduino IDE程式中。伺服器應使用Digital引腳10(servo 1),或者如果伺服器連接到馬達研發板的servo 2,那麼應使用引腳11。
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//*********************************************************************************************** #include <Servo.h> Servo panMotor; // servo for laser range finder (lrf) scanning int pos = 0; // variable to store the servo position const int a = 1000; void setup() { panMotor.attach(10); } // Attach Servo for scanning to pin 10 void loop() { // *************************** Scan Left *********************************** panMotor.write(180); // 90 degree delay(a); panMotor.write(135); // 45 degree delay(a); // ************************** Scan Right ********************************** panMotor.write(45); // 45 degree delay(a); panMotor.write(0); // 90 degree delay(a); // ************************* Neutral position ***************************** panMotor.write(90); delay(a); } //************************************************************************************************** |
雷射測距儀產品文件 – Parallax
圖4. 將LRF電纜連至馬達研發板
圖5. 安裝在鋁制安裝架上的LRF
圖6. 向前彎曲鋁制安裝架,使雷射到地的距離小於120公分
圖7. LRF與馬達研發板的連接
我們已經完成了LRF的安裝和連接,現在就來上傳代碼吧!同樣,無需安裝程式館。我們要用的SoftwareSerial.h已經包含在Arduino IDE中。
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// ************************************************************************************************************************************************** #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #define rxPin 8 // Serial input (connects to the LRF's SOUT pin) #define txPin 9 // Serial output (connects to the LRF's SIN pin) #define ledPin 13 // Most Arduino boards have an on-board LED on this pin #define BUFSIZE 16 // Size of buffer int lrfDataInt; SoftwareSerial lrfSerial = SoftwareSerial(rxPin, txPin); void setup() // Set up code called once on start-up { // *************************************** setup for LRF *********************************************** pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(rxPin, INPUT); pinMode(txPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // turn LED off Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial); // Wait until ready Serial.println("\n\nParallax Laser Range Finder"); lrfSerial.begin(9600); Serial.print("Waiting for the LRF..."); delay(2000); // Delay to let LRF module start up lrfSerial.print('U'); // Send character while (lrfSerial.read() != ':'); delay(10); // Short delay lrfSerial.flush(); // Flush the receive buffer Serial.println("Ready!"); Serial.flush(); // Wait for all bytes to be transmitted to the Serial Monitor } // ****************************************** main loop ************************************************ void loop() // Main code, to run repeatedly { lrf(); } // ****************************************** end main loop ********************************************* void lrf() { lrfSerial.print('R'); // Send command digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turn LED on while LRF is taking a measurement char lrfData[BUFSIZE]; // Buffer for incoming data int lrfDataInt1; int lrfDataInt2; int lrfDataInt3; int lrfDataInt4; int offset = 0; // Offset into buffer lrfData[0] = 0; // Clear the buffer while(1) { if (lrfSerial.available() > 0) // If there are any bytes available to read, then the LRF must have responded { lrfData[offset] = lrfSerial.read(); // Get the byte and store it in our buffer if (lrfData[offset] == ':') // If a ":" character is received, all data has been sent and the LRF is ready to accept the next command { lrfData[offset] = 0; // Null terminate the string of bytes we just received break; } // Break out of the loop offset++; // Increment offset into array if (offset >= BUFSIZE) offset = 0; // If the incoming data string is longer than our buffer, wrap around to avoid going out-of-bounds } } lrfDataInt1 = ( lrfData[5] -'0'); lrfDataInt2 = ( lrfData[6] -'0'); lrfDataInt3 = ( lrfData[7] -'0'); lrfDataInt4 = ( lrfData[8] -'0'); lrfDataInt = (1000*lrfDataInt1)+ (100*lrfDataInt2)+(10*lrfDataInt3) + lrfDataInt4; Serial.print("Distance = "); // The lrfData string should now contain the data returned by the LRF, so display it on the Serial Monitor Serial.println(lrfDataInt); Serial.flush(); // Wait for all bytes to be transmitted to the Serial Monitor digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Turn LED off delay(1000); } //************************************************************************************************************************************************* |
圖8 . OLED與馬達研發板之間的連接
首先,請確保已經安裝了SeeedOLED.h 程式館。然後,將以下代碼上傳到Arduino。該代碼使用了名為oled1的函數,稍後的最終編碼也會使用該函數。其基本功能就是顯示100到109的數位。
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//***************************************************************************************************************************************** #include <Wire.h> #include <SeeedOLED.h> int distanceFwd; void setup() { Wire.begin();} void loop() { int i = 0; for (i; (i < 10); i ++) { distanceFwd = 100 + i; oled1(); delay(1000); } } void oled1() { SeeedOled.clearDisplay(); //clear the screen and set start position to top left corner SeeedOled.setNormalDisplay(); //Set display to Normal mode SeeedOled.setPageMode(); //Set addressing mode to Page Mode SeeedOled.setTextXY(3,3); SeeedOled.putString("Forward :"); SeeedOled.setTextXY(5,9); SeeedOled.putNumber(distanceFwd); } //***************************************************************************************************************************************** |
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//********************************************************************************************************************* #include <Wire.h> #include <Adafruit_MotorShield.h> #include "utility/Adafruit_MS_PWMServoDriver.h" #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include <Servo.h> #include <SeeedOLED.h> #define ledPin 13 #define BUFSIZE 16 #define rxPin 8 // Serial input (connects to the LRF's SOUT pin) #define txPin 9 // Serial output(connects to the LRF's SIN pin) SoftwareSerial lrfSerial = SoftwareSerial(rxPin, txPin); // Size of buffer (in bytes) for incoming data // Create the motor shield object with the default I2C address Adafruit_MotorShield AFMS = Adafruit_MotorShield(); // Connect a stepper motor with 200 steps per revolution (1.8 degree) Adafruit_StepperMotor *myMotor1 = AFMS.getStepper(200, 1); // motor port #1 (M1 and M2) Adafruit_StepperMotor *myMotor2 = AFMS.getStepper(200, 2); // motor port #2 (M3 and M4) Servo panMotor; // servo for laser range finder (lrf) scanning int leftDistance1; int leftDistance2; int rightDistance1; int rightDistance2; int maxDistance; int angleTurn; int directions; int distanceFwd; const int a = 30; //*********************************************************************************start set up ************************** void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // set up Serial library at 9600 bps panMotor.attach(10); // Attach Servo for scanning to pin 10 AFMS.begin(); // create with the default frequency 1.6KHz myMotor1->setSpeed(100); // Set stepmotor1 speed at 100 rpm myMotor2->setSpeed(100); // Set stepmotor2 speed at 100 rpm pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(rxPin, INPUT); // Input pin for LRF pinMode(txPin, OUTPUT); // Output pin for LRF digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // turn LED off Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial); // Wait until ready lrfSerial.begin(9600); Serial.print("Waiting for the LRF..."); delay(2000); // Delay to let LRF module start up lrfSerial.print('U'); // Send character while (lrfSerial.read() != ':'); delay(10); // Short delay lrfSerial.flush(); // Flush the receive buffer Serial.println("Ready!"); Serial.flush(); // Wait for all bytes to be transmitted to the Serial Monitor panMotor.write(90); delay(a); } //******************************************************************* start Loop ***************************************** void loop() { distanceFwd = lrf(); maxDistance = distanceFwd; oled1(); if (distanceFwd > 700) { Motor(500,1);} else if (distanceFwd > 400) { Motor(200,1);} else // if path is blocked { checkTurn(); turn();} } //***************************************************************** check turn function ******************************** void checkTurn() { digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // ************************** Scan Left *********************************** panMotor.write(180); delay(a); leftDistance1 = lrf(); panMotor.write(135); delay(a); leftDistance2 = lrf(); oled(); // *************************** Scan Right ********************************* panMotor.write(45); delay(a); rightDistance2 = lrf(); panMotor.write(0); delay(a); rightDistance1 = lrf(); oled(); panMotor.write(90); digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // ************************************ Turn Left ************************ maxDistance = leftDistance1; angleTurn = 100; directions = 0; if (maxDistance <= leftDistance2) {angleTurn = 50; maxDistance = leftDistance2; directions = 0; } //*********************************** Turn Right *********************** if (maxDistance <= rightDistance2) {angleTurn = 50; maxDistance = rightDistance2; directions = 1; } if (maxDistance <= rightDistance1) {angleTurn = 100; maxDistance = rightDistance1; directions = 1; } // ******************************* Turn Back****************************** if ((leftDistance1 < 300) && (rightDistance1 <300) && (distanceFwd <300)) {angleTurn = 200; directions = 3; } } //************************************************ turn function ********************************************************* void turn() { rightDistance1 = 0; rightDistance2 = 0; leftDistance1 = 0; leftDistance2 = 0; if (directions == 0) // turn left { Motor(angleTurn,3);} if (directions == 1) // turn right { Motor(angleTurn,4);} if (directions == 3) // turn back { Motor(angleTurn,4);} } //*************************************** Stepper Motor function **************************************************** void Motor(int x,int y) { int i = 0; for ( i; (i < x); i ++) { if (y == 1) // move forward {myMotor1->step(1, FORWARD, SINGLE); myMotor2->step(1, BACKWARD, SINGLE);} if (y == 2) // move backward {myMotor1->step(1, BACKWARD, SINGLE); myMotor2->step(1, FORWARD, SINGLE);} if (y == 3) // move left { myMotor1->step(1, FORWARD, SINGLE); myMotor2->step(1, FORWARD, SINGLE);} if (y == 4) // move right { myMotor1->step(1, BACKWARD, SINGLE); myMotor2->step(1, BACKWARD, SINGLE);} } } //*********************************************************************** LRF function ******************************* long lrf() { lrfSerial.print('R'); // Send command digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turn LED on while LRF is taking a measurement char lrfData[BUFSIZE]; // Buffer for incoming data int lrfDataInt1; int lrfDataInt2; int lrfDataInt3; int lrfDataInt4; int lrfDataInt; int offset = 0; // Offset into buffer lrfData[0] = 0; // Clear the buffer while(1) { if (lrfSerial.available() > 0) { lrfData[offset] = lrfSerial.read(); if (lrfData[offset] == ':') { lrfData[offset] = 0; break;} offset++; if (offset >= BUFSIZE) offset = 0; } } lrfDataInt1 = ( lrfData[5] -'0'); lrfDataInt2 = ( lrfData[6] -'0'); lrfDataInt3 = ( lrfData[7] -'0'); lrfDataInt4 = ( lrfData[8] -'0'); lrfDataInt = (1000*lrfDataInt1)+ (100*lrfDataInt2)+(10*lrfDataInt3) + lrfDataInt4; Serial.flush(); digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); return lrfDataInt; } //********************************************************* Oled function ************************************************ void oled() { SeeedOled.clearDisplay(); //clear the screen and set start position to top left corner SeeedOled.setNormalDisplay(); //Set display to Normal mode SeeedOled.setPageMode(); //Set addressing mode to Page Mode SeeedOled.setTextXY(0,0); SeeedOled.putString("Left 1:"); SeeedOled.setTextXY(0,12); SeeedOled.putNumber(leftDistance1); SeeedOled.setTextXY(2,0); SeeedOled.putString("Left 2:"); SeeedOled.setTextXY(2,12); SeeedOled.putNumber(leftDistance2); SeeedOled.setTextXY(4,0); SeeedOled.putString("Right 1:"); SeeedOled.setTextXY(4,12); SeeedOled.putNumber(rightDistance1); SeeedOled.setTextXY(6,0); SeeedOled.putString("Right 2:"); SeeedOled.setTextXY(6,12); SeeedOled.putNumber(rightDistance2); } void oled1() { SeeedOled.clearDisplay(); //clear the screen and set start position to top left corner SeeedOled.setNormalDisplay(); //Set display to Normal mode SeeedOled.setPageMode(); //Set addressing mode to Page Mode SeeedOled.setTextXY(3,3); SeeedOled.putString("Forward :"); SeeedOled.setTextXY(5,9); SeeedOled.putNumber(distanceFwd); } //*********************************************************************************************************************************** |
圖9. OLED顯示幕安裝在壓克力底座上的最終效果