在利用ROHM感測器評估套件實現UCLA AirMouse – 第1部分中,我們完成了專案的硬體。對於發射機部分,我們將AirMouse按鈕以及Uno的GPIO引腳和RF模組之間的介面組裝在一塊麵包板上。由於ROHM感測器擴展板(SensorShield)在原型設計和DIY專案方面的應用非常方便,因此我們選擇將其與加速度計模組接合在一起使用。正如您將在本教材中看到的那樣,ROHM擴展板內建Arduino與其外設之間的 I2C 通信功能,因此,用戶通過一些簡單代碼就可以接收加速度計的資料,無需編寫任何底層 I2C 函數來發送和接收來自裝置位址的資料。對於接收器部分,我們為Teensy微控制器組裝了類似的分線板,以便與RF模組對接。
我們都用過電腦滑鼠,但是它們只能在桌面之類的平面上工作。我們已經製作了一個“AirMouse”——一款能夠在3D空間中運行的電腦滑鼠。使用者通過傾斜滑鼠就可以讓螢幕上的游標行動,從而可以進行大範圍自訂動作。我們已經在第1部分中介紹了構建AirMouse的基礎知識。AirMouse主要由兩部分組成:戴在手上的滑鼠發射機和連接使用者電腦的接收器。發射機收集滑鼠的方向和按鈕狀態資訊;而接收器則負責轉換這些資訊,從而在電腦螢幕上執行相應操作。AirMouse由Arduino Uno和nRF24L01射頻模組結合ROHM感測器擴展板的加速度計構建而成。
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#include <SPI.h> #include "RF24.h" #define byte uint8_t #include <Wire.h> #include <KX022.h> KX022 accelerometer(KX022_DEVICE_ADDRESS_1E); RF24 radio(9,10); uint64_t pipes[2] = {0xF0F0F0F0F0, 0xF0F1F1F1F1}; //reading, writing void initRadio() { radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_HIGH); //payload size default 32... radio.setChannel(10); //you can change the channel setting radio.setCRCLength(RF24_CRC_16); //2-byte CRC radio.setDataRate(RF24_1MBPS); //1Mbps data rate radio.openReadingPipe(0, pipes[0]); radio.openWritingPipe(pipes[1]); } #define buttonPinR 2 //change these accordingly #define buttonPinL 3 void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial); pinMode(buttonPinR, INPUT); pinMode(buttonPinL, INPUT); radio.begin(); initRadio(); radio.stopListening(); Wire.begin(); accelerometer.init(); } long lastDebounceTimeR = 0; // the last time the output pin was toggled long lastDebounceTimeL = 0; long debounceDelay = 50; int buttonStateR = LOW; // the current reading from the input pin int buttonStateL = LOW; int lastReadingR = LOW; int lastReadingL = LOW; char readButtonR(){ int reading = digitalRead(buttonPinR);//get what state the button is char out = 'a';//the value to return if nothing special happened if (reading != lastReadingR) {//We're reading a new state for button // reset the debouncing timer lastDebounceTimeR = millis(); } if ((millis() - lastDebounceTimeR) > debounceDelay) {//We finally have a stable value if (reading != buttonStateR)//Compared to our previous state, we have a flip { out = 'r';//prepare to toggle the Mini } buttonStateR = reading;//Make the buttonState the same } lastReadingR = reading;//make the last state the "current" state return out; } char readButtonL(){ int reading = digitalRead(buttonPinL); char out = 'a'; if (reading != lastReadingL) { // reset the debouncing timer lastDebounceTimeL = millis(); } if ((millis() - lastDebounceTimeL) > debounceDelay) { if (reading != buttonStateL) { out = 'l'; } buttonStateL = reading; } lastReadingL = reading; return out; } struct data { boolean isPushedR = false; boolean isPushedL = false; int8_t acceleration[3] = {0, 0, 0}; }; data packet; boolean rState = false;//these states are used to represent the current state of the buttons boolean lState = false; void loop() { if(readButtonR() == 'r'){ //toggle button state when button state change is detected rState = !rState; } if(readButtonL() == 'l'){ //toggle button state when button state change is detected lState=!lState; } packet.isPushedR = rState; packet.isPushedL = lState; uint8_t rc; float acc[3]; rc = accelerometer.get_val(acc); if (rc == 0) { //we cast to drop the decimal, we don't need that high precision packet.acceleration[0] = (int8_t)(acc[0]*100); //x //Serial.print(packet.acceleration[0]); Serial.print(" "); packet.acceleration[1] = (int8_t)(acc[1]*100); //y //Serial.print(packet.acceleration[1]); Serial.print(" "); packet.acceleration[2] = (int8_t)(acc[2]*100); //z //Serial.println(packet.acceleration[2]); } radio.write((char*) &packet, sizeof(packet)); } |
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#include <SPI.h> #include "RF24.h" RF24 radio(9,10); uint64_t pipes[2] = {0xF0F1F1F1F1, 0xF0F0F0F0F0}; //reading, writing void initRadio() { radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_HIGH); //payload size default 32... radio.setChannel(10); radio.setCRCLength(RF24_CRC_16); //2-byte CRC radio.setDataRate(RF24_1MBPS); //1Mbps data rate radio.openReadingPipe(0, pipes[0]); //reading pipe radio.openWritingPipe(pipes[1]); radio.startListening(); } #define R_PIN 6 //Red LED #define G_PIN 7 //Green LED #define Y_PIN 8 //Yellow LED void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); while(!Serial); //wait until Serial is initialized...(we found that not including this line of code caused errors on the //Teensy because it started executing code without ensuring that Serial communication with the laptop was //properly initialized... radio.begin(); initRadio(); Mouse.screenSize(1920, 1080); // configure screen size randomSeed(analogRead(0)); pinMode(R_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(G_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(Y_PIN, OUTPUT); } #define CALIX 6 //calibration for X #define CALIY -1 //calibration for Y #define scalingFactor 0.05 #define THRESHOLD 1 double moveVector[2] = {0, 0}; void tiltToVector(const int8_t* acceleration){ moveVector[0] = 0; moveVector[1] = 0; if(abs(acceleration[0] - CALIX) > THRESHOLD){ //calculate move moveVector[1] = (double)(acceleration[0] * scalingFactor); } if(abs(acceleration[1] - CALIY) > THRESHOLD) { moveVector[0] = (double)(acceleration[1] * scalingFactor); } } struct data { boolean isPushedR = false; boolean isPushedL = false; int8_t acceleration[3] = {0, 0, 0}; }; data packet; void loop() { bool stillWaiting = true; //Serial.println("About to read"); while(stillWaiting){ if(radio.available(0)){ //You've got mail!!! radio.read((char*) &packet, sizeof(packet)); stillWaiting = false; } } Mouse.move(moveVector[0], moveVector[1]); Mouse.move(moveVector[0], moveVector[1]); //call it twice within the loop for smoothness :) //prints for debugging purposes Serial.println("Finished writing the pins"); if (packet.isPushedR) { Serial.println("The right button has been clicked!!! (Did you mean to right click?!?!)"); } if (packet.isPushedL) { Serial.println("The left button has been clicked!!! (Did you mean to left click?!?!)"); //Mouse.click(); } Serial.print("X: "); Serial.println(packet.acceleration[0]); Serial.print("Y: "); Serial.println(packet.acceleration[1]); Serial.print("Z: "); Serial.println(packet.acceleration[2]); tiltToVector(packet.acceleration); //re-calculate move vector coordinates // Mouse.move(moveVector[0], moveVector[1]); } |
將代碼上傳到Teensy與將代碼上傳到Arduino Uno略有不同。對於Uno,您只需按照通常的編譯和上傳步驟執行即可:
基於本教材之目的,我們不會詳細涉及所使用的不同通信協議,也不會詳細介紹RF模組的通信軟體。要瞭解有關這些主題的更多資訊,請查看我們的通信協議 和 nRF24L01+ 模組 教材。相反,我們將簡要介紹軟體中主控制電路的工作原理。
現在,我們來看一下接收器模組與電腦之間的交互。Teensy被指定為USB人機介面裝置(這裡是指USB滑鼠)。解析方位資料後,軟體會計算游標行動的速度和方向。此外,該軟體還將點擊左鍵解析為左鍵按一下,將點擊右鍵解析為按右鍵,調用適當的方法在電腦螢幕上顯示左鍵按一下或按右鍵功能。以下才是最酷的部分:您完全可以只通過軟體就能夠修改或添加滑鼠的螢幕功能!目前,滑鼠只具有最基本的功能和特性,但是您只需對軟體進行簡單改動,就可以輕鬆添加諸如滾動、將游標移至螢幕上的某個點等功能!(請點擊此處,瞭解Teensy USB滑鼠的參考指南)以下是您可以實現的一些很酷的硬體和軟體想法:
作為UCLA IEEE進階專案(Advanced Projects)計畫的一部分,最初的AirMouse由Rahul Iyer、Aaron和Andrew Wilhelm研發。更多資訊請參閱 http://ieeebruins.org
Device Plus正在尋找與活躍的學生工程組織和實驗室展開合作。想瞭解我們硬體贊助計畫的更多資訊,請通過以下電子郵件聯繫我們:info@deviceplus.com。