Sakura Matsuri
Omuro cherry trees in full bloom, signaling the end of the cherry blossom season in Kyoto
As the cherry blossom season is coming to an end in Kyoto, the Omuro cherry trees at Ninnaji Temple are just starting to bloom. The someyoshino (Prunus × yedoensis) cherry trees in front of the Kondo Hall and the shidare or weeping (Cerasus spachiana ) cherry trees in front of the Shoro Belfry compete to be first to come to full bloom and they are followed by the Omuro cherry trees in the middle of the grounds on the west side, which bloom around the middle of April. The Sakura Matsuri is held here in the midst of these cherry trees. There are about 500 cherry trees at Ninnaji Temple, of which about 200 are Omuro sakura. Sprouting out from near the base of the tree trunks, the boughs of the trees come down almost to the ground, laden with cherry blossoms in full bloom, so that even children can enjoy the flowers at eye level. The pagoda and other buildings, set among these gorgeous blossoms, combine to make an impressive sight: foretelling the end of the cherry blossom season in Kyoto, it is one of the institutions of spring in the city. During this season, there is also a religious sermon held three times a day at the Kannondo Hall near the cherry blossoms, known as the Sakura Fukyo sermon.
  Sakura Matsuri
Visiting period: Cherry blossom season in April
Visiting hours:

8:30 AM - 5:30 PM (reception hours: 8:30 AM to 5 PM)

Location: On the temple grounds, inside the Chumon Gate
Entrance fee: Adults, H.S. Students, 500 yen; Jr. H. S. and Elementary School Students, 200 yen
* Visiting hours may vary depending on the condition of the blooming cherry trees.
* Discounts for groups of 30 or more people (Adults, H.S. Students, 450 yen; Jr. H. S. and Elementary School Students, 180 yen)
* Entrance free for the physically challenged (ID required), taxi drivers, and teachers in charge of school field trips.
  Sakura propagation
Visiting period: Saturdays and Sundays in the middle of April
Entrance fee:

No charge

Sakura Matsuri   Sakura Matsuri   Sakura Matsuri

Sakura Matsuri   Sakura Matsuri   Sakura Matsuri
Sakura Matsuri

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Play time: 1 minute 16 seconds  
April 21, 2006
Source: Kyoto Newspaper
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